Sunday, October 7, 2007


Section 34 par (e) of the Republic Act 8491 otherwise known as The Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines prohibits the wearing of the flag in whole or in part as a costume or uniform...

Now take a look at the pic...

No, I'm not referring to Pacman (what a pose!) Haha! Look at Freddie Roach... He's wearing the Philippine Flag... Shouldn't he be penalized?

By the way, congrats Manny for having successfully defended his WBC international super featherweight crown against his latest opponent
... and to Marco Antonio Barrera, farewell... Here's a prayer (posted by a fan) which I copied from his website:

our father who art in mexico

antonio be thy name
thy kingdom come
thy shall be done on earth as it is in barrera land
give us this day our daily victory
and forgive us our tresspasses
as we forgive those pacfans fans for being twats
and lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from non belivers [sic]
for thy is the kingdom
the power and speed and accuracy and timing and glory
forever and ever barr-er-a barrr-er-a

And to Kyla for singing the National Anthem, this time, without deviating from Julian Felipe's musical arrangement and composition.

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