Saturday, September 8, 2007

Happy Birthday, Mama Mary!

Today we celebrate the nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus. Insofar as the Church fixes her conception as December 8, this would be exactly 9 months. I wonder how they came upon that date?

This celebration is important not only for the role that Mary played in the life of Jesus, but it is also significant in the Roman calendar. To my knowledge, there are only three whose nativity is celebrated: Jesus, Mary and John the Baptizer. All other saints are recalled only on their feast day[s], which usually corresponds to their earthly death/heavenly birthday.

To celebrate a nativity is a special mark, noting that these people were set aside from their birth as a dwelling of the Holy Spirit. With Jesus, God-become-Man, it goes without saying. With John, we have a scriptural reference in Luke to his indwelling of the Holy Spirit. When Elizabeth his mother heard Mary approach, John lept for joy in his mother's womb.

With Mary, we have sacred tradition. It seems fitting that we should "ponder these things in our heart" when it comes to Our Lady.

(Above text taken from The Maternal Optimist's Blog)

Let us keep in mind that while Mary is the perfect example of the fruits of Christ’s suffering and passion and also our spiritual mother given to us as such by Christ while on the cross, she is not God. She is worthy of praise and veneration, but not that worship we should only give to God. She is an intercessor at her son’s ear, but only he and his appointed minsters have the authority to forgive sins. Let's all keep this in mind.

God bless everyone!

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