Wednesday, September 5, 2007


One -- my very first entry for

The title sounds like "Juan" -- the name that Maria Nina Teresita Salud Aseniero Dalman (yes, that's her real name! :-) ) "baptized" the blogger during their first few days as freshmen at law school, circa 2005. Since then, most of their fellas have been calling him by that name.

My first attempt at blogging is somewhat upsetting due to some glitches I encountered with my Friendster blog wherein there are certain times when I desired to post some of my thoughts online yet the link does lead me to nowhere.

Anyways, I'm back to square one here.

I just came from a birthday party where I was not invited (LOL). If only my tummy could speak, it would have told me to take a halt as the "inbox" has become "full" and there is "no space for new messages". Hehe! I know...but necessity knows no law. It there's someone or something to be blamed for this craving, it's the 3-hour midterm examination in Civil Procedure that we took earlier this evening.

Tomorrow, we will be having another examination, this time Wills & Succession, still to be administered by Judge Garcia. Yet, up to this moment (it's already 1:20 am) I'm still facing the laptop display wishing that a friend would go online and chat with me as I'm bored facing the illustration-less books of law. Haha!

Wish me luck!


pepe M. said...

welcome to the blogosphere juan :)
am sure yul enjoy yur stay here...waiting for your next post hehehe..


Juan said...

thanks, pepe, for the warm welcome.

you're the first to leave a comment, congrats! hehe....

don't worry will try to post more should time (and effort) permit me... hehe!

btw, i've noticed that we have classical sounding names...juan... pepe... hehe is that your real name?

pepe M. said...

as a matter of fact thats what my folks used to call me when i was a kid (juan is translated as IFAN in our dialect ibanag/itawes)and i hated it so much that i beg them to call me pepe instead (i dunno wer the hell did i pick up the name)... i deduce they call Rizal pepe too, right?

so there! pepe is indeed my real nickname...
will link you, k?


Juan said...

thanks, jose rizal, i mean pepe... hehe check out my 2nd post